What clinical skills are required in the provision of contemporary social work to patients in a hospital?

by pnwra
Question by anti7:
What clinical skills are required in the provision of contemporary social work to patients in a hospital?
Need to describe examples of when social workers have demonstrated a high level of clinical skills in the provision of contemporary social work services to patients and their families within an acute hospital setting. Need to know what the social workers did.
Best answer:
Answer by dominicanpride25
Social workers help in cases such as death/dying. Take a patient who does not have the potential of full recovery, the doctors, social workers and family sometimes the patient as well have what is called a family meeting. The social worker then explains exactly what the physician said but in words that a patient would understand. Sometimes a Doctor can say something and it is mistaken in the form of false hope. Social workers also play a huge roll with insurance, and finding further placement for that patient if needed, they are responsible for obtaining the patient home health if needed. Most of the social workers that I work with are/were nurses who wanted a change in career, so they do have a lot of medical background.
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